Day-wise time allocation to work items

I would like to discuss on how to get the view where we can see the time allocation for each work item day-wise.
For example: I have 3 work items - A, B, C
When I go to work item view, I can see time allocation for each of these work items since the point in time when these work items were created. When I go to My day, I can see time slices for that particular day. I want to create a view where I can see time allocation for each work item for that particular day(not time slices).

  1. go to any time slice view
  2. click the View menu
  3. select Graph…
  4. click the right-most combo box
  5. select Timesheet
  6. click Generate Graph

Welcome to the forum, BTW, @RBKrishna!

My PC crashed, and I needed to reinstall Grindstone 4. I cannot find the way to have the time sheet ( as described above) to display only the current week ( I used to have this before my crash)… I cannot find the parameter to have only 7 days. I have all days since the creation of the Gstone Database. Any clue anyone ???
