Work list too long

Hello all,

It seems that if you delete a work Item, it will delete the slices associated with it.
What do you do when you get a far too long list of work items and that makes the whole thing unmanageable?

In my mind, you can delete work items (that are complete and you will never need to work on them again) but leave the already recorded time slices store.

I love Grindstone!


Just mark work items as completed (right click on a work item).

Thanks for your comment but I have tried and it doesn’t work.

I marked the work item complete but it remains in the work list view. I have tried with “Set Complete at End” and “Set Complete at Now” and I cans ee inside the work item the date of completion but the item remain visible.

Am I missing something?

Just trying to rule out the simple – Does your view of work items include a filter of items that are complete?

yes, that worked! I could modify the default work items views adding that filter. Thanks!