I’m not really getting it, how to put things together. It appears everything centers around traits, but it’s not intuitive to me how it all integrates.
A person view shows a list of people in the database. You must have created two more other than yourself if they’re being listed.
Parameters are used to give views on the fly configuration since changing their formulas just to refine their results is unwieldy. I’m going to demonstrate this by creating a person view and adding you to my database. Looks like this:
Now, I’m going to add a parameter to use for searching the view.
Now I’m going to implement the search by referencing the parameter in the filtering formula.
At first, things seem the same.
But, if I enter a string of characters that only appear in your name, poof, I disappear.
We thought it was best to prepopulate there, I guess, but we could be talked into rolling back on that.