Automated deployment

Hello again

Looking for a way to roll out Grindstone 4 to multiple users (as part of an assessment of the software, no actual live deployment ongoing so far) and I tried the setup EXE with some switches to see if there was a silent install. I tried:

  • grindstone4-setup.exe /help
  • grindstone4-setup.exe /quiet
  • grindstone4-setup.exe /?
  • grindstone4-setup.exe /q
  • grindstone4-setup.exe /silent

… but all of these just launched the interactive installer. Am I missing anything? I am assuming no MSI is available either


Ahh, it’s just /S. Sorry that’s not really documented anywhere. Well, I guess it is now. :wink:

When I try running grindstone4-setup.exe /S in an elevated cmd prompt, nothing appears to happen. I do not get any errors, but no processes appear to start for the installation.