Enhancing Time Slice with User Property

Ahh, it’s in 100-nanosecond intervals since the invariant culture’s origin. Microsoft calls them ticks.

Uhh, does this help?

Also, you could change the extension. The SQLiteAsyncConnection class constructor has an optional parameter to store dates and times as ticks and its defaulted on. You could pass false to it in Extension.cs and see if you prefer that result. Just disconnect from SQLite before making the change!

Ahh, we are using DateTimeOffsets in the extension as well, so it would be more work than just changing the constructor call. You might want to just take the ticks conversion route. I guess the cool thing is that you can change it however you want. :wink:

What coding environment are you working with in accessing this SQLite database?

I’m good for now. Have a good night.

with Items as (
    select wi.Id WorkItem
         , wi.name Description
         , wi.notes Notes
         , lv.name Task
         , TP.name Property
         , TPV.Text Value
    from WorkItems WI
             left join ListValuePropertyValues tasks on tasks.WorkItemId = WI.Id
             left join ListValues lv on lv.Id = tasks.ListValueId
             left join ListValueProperties LVP on lvp.Id = lv.ListValuePropertyId
             left join TextPropertyValues TPV on TPV.WorkItemId = WI.Id
             left join TextProperties TP on TP.Id = TPV.TextPropertyId
select W.*,ts.id
    ,datetime(ts.start/10000000-62136892800, 'unixepoch' ) begin
    ,datetime(ts.End/10000000-62136892800, 'unixepoch' ) end
    ,(ts.start - ts.End)/10000000 - 62136892800
from Items W
join TimeSlices TS on WorkItemId = W.WorkItem

Awesome! Good night to you, as well.