Backup Failed


A couple of days ago I started to receive this error message popup. Not sure what it really means or how to check / fix. Any ideas?


Grindstone logs exceptions of this kind in a local directory. You can try going into Options to enable Diagnostic Tools, and then clicking Grindstone, Diagnostic Tools, and then Save Logged Exceptions. Once you do that, look for a file that was created when this error occurred and you can get more technical details.

Hi, I have the same problem. It occurs multiple times a day. Here is the relevant exception message (translated to English):

– Exception: Failed to duplicate backup manifest
DirectoryNotFoundException: A part of the path “manifest.old.json” could not be found.
at void System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(int errorCode, string maybeFullPath)
at string System.IO.File.InternalCopy(string sourceFileName, string destFileName, bool overwrite, bool checkHost)
at FileInfo System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(string destFileName, bool overwrite)
at async Task Quantum.Client.BackupManager.SaveManifestAsync() in C:/Source/Quantum/Quantum.Client/BackupManager.cs:line 360

I tried creating a file in the relevant location called “manifest.backup.json”, to no effect, as well as deleting the file “manifest.json”, also to no effect. I also deleted all backup files and restarted the application, also to no effect.

The backup files are being created, so I’m not sure what the problem is. The exception message is really annoying, since I have to manually close it and it doesn’t seem to reflect a real problem.

I had the same problem: I tried by removing/renaming the manifest in the Grindstone application directory, but the problem persisted. I managed to get rid of the exception by completely uninstalling the application (I manually created a copy of the database files), and re-installing from scratch; then I configured Grindstone to point to the old database file, and the exception was gone.

Hope this can help.